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Congratulations to Mike, now a Chartered Land Surveyor
Congratulations to Mike Au who has recently been elected as a member of the RICS.
GeneralESL Survey 1 Containerised for deployment anywhere
ESL Survey 1 can now be Containerised on a 20 foot Unit. This can be transported by standard container ship and on a normal sized Crane Lorry.
This provides mobility for deployment anywhere at short notice. The Boat is an inshore shallow draft Catamaran with a full suite of Navigation, Bathymetric and Geophysical Sensors.
Anywhere a 20 foot container can go our Survey Vessel can deploy.
Along with experienced Crew and Technicians we offer a bespoke solution where previously only single beam boats could be used.
Please use our enquiry email for a proposal and quote.
Installation of New Radar Tide Gauge with Solar Panel
Our Hydro team have recently installed a new Radar Type Tide Gauge to provide real time tidal information.
The Tide Data is uploaded to a secure web page in real time while power is provided via a solar panel.
ESL take delivery of our new Leica RTC360 Scanner, the fastest Survey Grade device on the market
At the end of June we took delivery of our new RTC360 Terrestrial Laser Scanner. This is the fastest survey grade scanner on the market at 2,000,000 points per second with a complete dome scan taking 2 minutes.
This new purchase means we now carry 2 Leica and 2 Faro scanners and can match the best one for any project both in terms of hardware capability and software suitability.
CIC Certified BIM Manager
ESL Director Gordon Ferrier has been added to the list of CIC Certified BIM Managers.
This will assist in projects where the BIM component requires a Certified Manager. CIC are currently the certifying body in HK.
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